What Does This Mean? And Is Blogging a Mindf@@k?
So Daily Dancer and I take vacation simultaneously, on opposite ends of the country? What's up with that?

Thursday, June 09, 2005

We interrupt this program with some breaking news

I have some sad news for you. Over the next week, I will be taking a break from my regular posting. Why? One reason is that I need to find a new web server that gives me enough space and bandwidth (for cheap) to keep this site going. The other reason is that my girlfriend and I are taking a short vacation....

Daily Dancer had limited computer access during his vacation, so he wasn't able to post this video at the Jelly Belly factory until he returned.

Incidentally, he's dancing to the album version of the song "American Idiot," not the single version. An important distinction which I plan to address here some time.

It's interesting to see how blogging has affected our activities. Imagine that you're just an average vacationer, going to visit the Jelly Belly factory, and then you see some guy dancing in front of the factory. Or, alternatively, you're at a bus stop in Greenbelt, Maryland, and you see some guy giving a monologue about New York on his cell phone.

And if bloggers aren't doing something, they're talking about it:

Wanna hear bloggers muse in person on past sordid sexcapades? Probably not—there’s a reason they sit behind computers all day long....

And sometimes they kill kittens.


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