this is an audio post - click to play

[OE UPDATE 6/30/2005: Photoblog here.]


Anonymous said…
Porquoi the names of stores...all large chains? hmmmmm....
Ontario Emperor said…
This is one of the concepts that David Byrne explored in his movie - uh oh, I mean film - True Stories. Inasmuch as David Byrne is David Byrne, he combined the intellectual with the observational, with an emphasis on the intellectual. Needless to say, I lean more toward the observational part.

I kept on walking through the Pentagon City mall and was about to make another audio post listing other stores that I saw, but I figured that enough was enough.

I did find one store that I won't find in California - Destination DC, that sells DC-related stuff. Bought a nice pin there.

P.S. After over a week of audio posts only, I forgot my Blogger username and had to look it up. I'm getting old.

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