
Truefresco's "Referring Web Pages" feature records, among other things, the people who get to my blog via Blogger's "Next Blog" feature. Truly an eclectic collection. Ignoring the nude babes and services spams, here are some of the blogs that people were visiting before they got here.

Dutch Barista. All about the Dutch barista culture. Active since "donderdag, mei 12, 2005." The first post was about the Belgian barista culture, and there's a subsequent post about Portland, so this is a wide-ranging blog.

FanaCoria. A Spanish-language blog about "tenis."

Une Femme en Ville. A French-language blog that is not about men in the country.

this-ism. An English-language blog (finally) about music lyrics.

Pointless Comments. Up my crick (heh). Everyone go here now.

HushNJ. Record reviews.

Shasta McSpastic. She needs space and junk.

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