Dave Kampel Searches
My site is getting hits from people searching for Dave Kampel information. I looked to see if there was any new news (to complement the old news), but this is all I found:
In Philadelphia, WIOQ (Q102) morning show co-host Angi Taylor will exit this Friday (9/3) and head to Chicago to be closer to her boyfriend, Clear Channel radio producer Dave Kampel. Taylor has co-hosted the Chio In The Morning show since March 2003 and recently won a Best Of Philly award from Philadelphia magazine for her "smart, sassy comments and sexy flair." Also in the Cradle of Liberty, liberal radio network Air America will start airing on WHAT-AM starting this Monday. Look for Al Franken from noon to 3pm and Randi Rhodes from 3pm to 7pm...
Here's some old (2002) news from a personal blog:
Flash forward to May when I visited my friends Angela in Chicago for Ang F's graduation, which came merely two days after orthoscopic surgery on my knee, leaving me pretty high on pain killers while in the Windy City. While there I also took a few moments to meet my former co-worker Dave Kampel, Imaging God.
So Ryan Chambers has met and admires Dave Kampel.
And Dave Kampel is seeing Angi Taylor.

And Angi Taylor went out with Nick Carter back in 2002.
And Nick Carter went out with Paris Hilton in 2004.
And Paris Hilton knows the daughter of Lionel Richie.
Where is Kevin Bacon in all of this?