Are We Better Off?
Well, my last post was inspired by Clinton's "It's the economy, stupid" comment. Let's go back a few more years to the line that Reagan used with devastating effect against Carter. asserts that we are NOT better off today than we were four years ago.
Politicians lie, but numbers don't. How does the economic record of Bush, Jr. (and Sr.) stand up against Clinton's on Unemployment, Job Creation, the Stock Market, and the Budget Surplus/Deficit. No one statistic paints a true picture, but taken together, life under a Bush is dark and not very prosperous.

Of course, there was one question that Reagan didn't ask - will we be better off four years from now if we keep the incumbent, or insert the challenger? For example, would a Kerry presidency result in a significantly lower budget deficit than the Republican President and Congress delivered when they were in power?
I don't have the answers...