Y'All Oughta Try This

Thanks to Isn't She Lovely (who lives in Texas, but is only 15% Dixie herself (of course, Texas isn't really Dixie (at one point it was its own danged country (I seem to be going hog-wild with these parenthetical statements)))).

Your Linguistic Profile:

70% General American English

15% Yankee

10% Dixie

5% Upper Midwestern

0% Midwestern

Incidentally, one of the questions had several responses for "diagonal":

12. What do you call something that is diagonal from you?

Kitty corner
Catty corner

It turns out that the Smoldering Bibliophile was discussing this very topic not too long ago:

I had no idea that my usage of "kitty-corner" in my last post would be such a stumbling block for people....I was born in Australia to an Australian and an American, I lived in Australia until I moved to Saudi Arabia, and after that, I moved to America. I've grown up with people from every corner of the world. I don't know where I picked up the word "kitty-corner," but all I know is, I've never had such a firestorm of angry emails from people saying, "It's KATTY-CORNER, YOU IGNORANT WHORE."...

So she's right. And her emailers are right. And I (a "diagonal" person) am right. Nyah nyah.

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