More on Savetoby

Autowitch links to a snopes page with additional information:

Bunny lovers everywhere can once again breathe easily: is a hoax. Although the site now lacks a disclaimer, a visitor to it on 9 February 2005 spotted one that said: "Note: this is a joke: please only donate to buy gear or help support" Even without such explicit clarification, certain things about the site should make the buffoonery clear:

The premise of the threat ("Send money or I'll kill the rabbit") gives away the jest. Society regards rabbits as one of the more disposable pets....[A]ny number of cute, fluffy pet bunnies are unceremoniously turned loose outdoors (where they live, on average, for three days), killed by their owners, or are handed over to animal shelters and rescue groups.

The "Save Toby" jape swings upon the notion of this particular rabbit's cuteness, inspiring folks to pry open their wallets to the tune of $16,380.18 . . . in a world where rabbits are regarded as worthless and animal shelters can't find donors to support their work.

The 'Balance:' figure which purports to showcase the amount already extorted (located near the bottom of the site's main page in a section labeled 'Premium Account Overview') is a fixed graphic, not a counter. It is periodically edited to increase the number displayed so as to maintain the appearance that folks actually are chipping in to preserve Toby's life. As of 1 March 2005, the amount shown was $16,380.18....

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