Recent search requests

  • 12/04/2005 17:39:37 hiring of visible minorities in ontario and legalization o (Google) - Someone is discriminating against invisible people, I guess.

  • 12/04/2005 16:52:51 david duchovny inside actors studio psychoanalyst (Google) - I knew that the show had a pompous interviewer, but I didn't know he was a psychoanalyst as well

  • 12/04/2005 16:52:07 now the green blade riseth mp3 (Google) - I wish I knew.

  • 12/04/2005 16:44:53 Carl's Jr commercial with the talking fetus (Google) - Don't know if I want to see this one. I thought Carl's Jr. commercials were all testosterone-driven these days. Talking fetuses sounds positively feminine.

  • 12/04/2005 16:02:34 Hispanics (Mexicans) in Lynchburg, Virginia (Google) - If I were Buster, I'd speculate on the use of the parentheses. But I'm not. So I won't.

  • 12/04/2005 15:36:53 victor brick jacobs (Google) - Hey, if you had only HEARD the name but never seen it in print, you might have thought this. For the record, his radio name is "Vic 'The Brick' Jacobs."


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