Four Breaker Breaker...

Luckily I caught this before I inadvertently made a mistake.

From a straightedge source comes a discussion of "420":

in the spirit of this day lets copy and paste from a Phish messageboard via craigslist regarding the meaning of this special day.

420 is a phreak's (and not just a hippie's) favorite number for a variety of reasons, or maybe for no reason at all, but colloquially the number says pot -- "let's smoke pot", or "someone's smoking pot", or "gee, i really like pot", or "time to smoke pot", either by time (4:20 a.m. or p.m.), date (April 20th), or otherwise (e.g. State Route 420)....

Much more at Tony Pierces's blog, including a link to Like, lingo:

"Zoit!". A noise made for amusement. It is almost always said to an unsuspecting strangers for the purpose of secretly laughing at their reaction or response, or secretly laughing at their total obliviousness to the sound. The word actually has no meaning whatsoever.

Meanwhile, the New Jersey Weed Man argues Constitutional issues:

Is a gift from "GOD"
I follow "GOD'S" Law

Does the first amendment protect me?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".

Amendment I - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791

Actually, the issue is where you draw the line. If I were to contend that my religion dictated that I have sex with prepubescent boys, I don't think the Supreme Court would review my conviction.

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