Bush and McCain on the Kerry Summit Proposal
From Reuters and Yahoo:

Bush Ridicules Kerry Call for Summit on Iraq
Fri Oct 1, 5:58 PM ET Politics - Reuters

By Steve Holland

MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - President Bush accused Democrat John Kerry of new contradictions and ridiculed his call for a international summit on Iraq on Friday as he sought to rebound from a debate that many Americans thought Kerry won....

But as for the substance, Bush took issue with many of Kerry's positions and wasted little time in aggressively attacking them, particularly his pledge that if elected he would call a summit to seek more international help on Iraq.

"I've been to a lot of summits. I've never seen a meeting that would depose a tyrant or bring a terrorist to justice," Bush said at a rally in Allentown, Pa.

Traveling with Bush was Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, a one-time Bush rival who considers Kerry a friend on the other side of the aisle. McCain said Kerry had handled the debate well and Bush should not underestimate him in the next two.

But he differed with Kerry on trying to get more international support in Iraq. "We're not going to get additional support. The burden is going to be carried by the Americans, and British and our other coalition partners."...

Previous Ontario Emperor posts on the summit: [Empoblog] [KOER]


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