A Christopher Reeve Story
Christopher Reeve doesn't actually appear in this story, but his body does. His pre-injury body. Taken from Bob Geldof's autobiography. Ed will be pleased to know that the spelling is in English. Danged royalists (although last I checked, Bob wasn't one of them yet.)

The other really trying scene [in The Wall] was one in which I was supposed to be floating in a swimming pool in which the water suddenly turns to blood. It was only at the point where I actually entered the pool that they found I couldn't swim....

The props people devised a transparent cylinder anchored to the bottom of the pool on which I rested just below the water level. The problem was that the clear plastic cut into my back quite seriously after a while.

"Why don't we get Superman's body mould and he could lie in that?" someone suggested. We went along to the props department to find the transparent stand in which Superman had lain to do his flying while the universe was projected at various angles onto a screen in the background. But it wouldn't fit me, I was far too thin and weedy and kept slipping around inside the shell which had been moulded exactly to fit Christopher Reeve's muscular frame.

"Why don't we try Supergirls'?" suggested some bright spark. To my humiliation, like Cinderella's slipper, it fitted. So there I was, sitting for five days in Supergirl's arse, in a freezing swimming pool, which buckets of blood were poured over me.

I still have to see this movie, by the way.


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