Opinions on Van Earl Wright vs. Andrew Siciliano, Krystal Fernandez, et al
On October 22 Burky asked, "Is anyone out there that thinks Van Earl is an improvement." Here are some of the replies he received at radio-info.com.

Here's a reason: he's boring, he doesn't know much about sports like Andrew does (or Tony did), and this GOOOOD MMMMMORRNING EVERRRBUDDDY nonsense is hellaciously annoying.

I can't believe that FSR put this guy on the radio because he is talented, there must be some underlying political reason for it. He does not blend at all with Andrew or Krystal, and now Chris Morales is hardly heard from anymore. The show's chemistry is all but gone, which is evident by the lack of enthusiasm from Andrew and Krystal. This show's days are numbered unless FSR does the right thing (no pun intended) and finds a REAL replacement for Bruno.

We went from the very entertaining Tony Bruno to this garbage; its almost like going from a warm tropical island to the south pole. I tried to give the show a chance, but I can't anymore. I now listen to KGO in the morning- its not sports, but at least its not boring or annoying.

My biggest problem with VEW is bigger than any of the chemistry problems, shitty voice, sandbagging of Andrew/Krystal whomever reasons that others have left, (even though they are all valid) simply put. Van Earl Wright DOES NOT CONTROL THE SHOW.

Tony controlled the chaos. The exchanges between himself, KF and AS were disjointed, but in a humourous and relevant way. You could see where Tony was going with something when he would get off on a tangent, or at the very least he would bring the show back on track in a meaningful in relevant way. Van Earl Wright just lets the train roll right off the tracks until the show is nothing more than a burning wreckage with people fighting to escape the pyre.

There are so many things I hate about this guy, I don't know where to begin. First of all, must he always refer to football as "pig?" How freaking annoying. And must he always refer to Chris Morales as "Mo?" I even heard Andrew admonish VEW about a week ago when he stated, "That's not his name." But VEW doesn't care, and he still referes to him as "Mo." Even more disconcerting is the way that Morales and his sound drops have become such an afterthought. It's seems to be either a case of Morales not caring any more, or a direct edict from VEW or Andrew Asswood (VP/GM of Premier and FSR) instructing Morales to keep quiet. Whatever the case, that sucks, and the show sucks because of it.

I also abhor the "What's Up, What's Happenin', What's Goin' On?!" segment of update crap. It is way too forced and contrived. It also strikes me as an easy means to kill time without having to take a call. And speaking of calls, it's a safe bet that most callers simply want to tell VEW how much he sucks, and thus you rarely hear a caller make it to the airwaves....

Van Earl is so WRONG for any show other than a 3 ring circus... FSR has ruined the best sports commute listen in favor of an idiot on vocal steroids. In the space of 3 minutes last week, about all I can stand these days, he started an argument about nothing for the sake of arguing (or hearing his own voice), got chided by Andrew when he said he liked to argue but not for the sake of argument, and then Van Earl Wrong asked Andrew if he liked to argue as a child - Andrew replied "No, I didn't" - a clear attempt at sarcasm that had to be explained twice to VEW, who probably still doesn't get it. He is as dense as the cow who will never understand how to program a VCR no matter how many times its explained.

I heard that exchange too; talk about uncomfortable radio. Just another example of how VEW is not clicking with Andrew at all. I know there are varying opinions of Andrew, but at least he knows his stuff and is entertaining to listen to (most of the time). And lets face it, does anyone disagree that the 'extravaganza' was better when it was temporarily Andrew and Mark Gubicza?


Anonymous said…
Quite simply stated, as "RICH IN OAKLAND" said, "The show has no meaning anymore; no content, no direction". In short, it stinks! VEW is an absolute disgrace. Andrew and Krystal and "Mo" are totally LOST. Tony Bruno's departure is a major blow to a radio show that caught alot of people's imagination for its humor, its ingenutity, and barrage of clever banter. Now, its simply a lousy radio show. I listen to Local News radio. FOX blew it bigtime.
Anonymous said…
I, among many of us, were hoping...even PRAYING...for Andrew & Chris Meyers to be the new team. They had a great mesh, and would have been a great team for years to come.

I have been listening to VEW, and giving him a chance...but I am truly disapointed with him...it seems FSR is trying to make the show about him, which is so what Tony was not doing. VEW is a good guy, but not made for this venue. TB was secure enough about himself to let others shine around him, which made him that much more endearing to the audience.

For those of you in the SF Bay Area, TB is on at 930am on KNBR680, which, in the best irony, is the sister station of 1050.
Ontario Emperor said…
Krystal Fernandez picture links. Hope that helps.

Obviously a lot has happened since those last entries. As of today (July), Tony Bruno can be heard in Los Angeles, and Van Earl Wright cannot be heard (having been replaced with Mancow). It's an Alanis day....

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