Two views on Bush

From The George W. Bush Online Store:

The enthusiasm for President George W. Bush among Americans is great. Not since Ronald Reagan, has a President generated such excitement. Groups and individuals throughout the nation are continually seeking new ways to visibly show their support for President Bush. Select from our wide range of products designed to help you stand with our president.

Unfortunately, one of the products is a fleece.

On the other hand,

He snorted cocaine ... He dodged the draft....His friends knew him as an alcoholic womanizer with a bad temper....a complete failure at business until his wealthy friends rescued him. Yet within a few short years he was elected Governor of Texas, and quickly catapulted into the White House in spite of losing the popular vote. Then he was re-elected with last minute help from Osama Bin Laden, in spite of high disapproval ratings. He still couldn't think his way out of a wet paper bag without the advice of his staff .....and yet he's been able to declare an endless war and institute some of the most radical changes in American history ....

....... How has He done it?

I submit to you that George Walker Bush is the ANTI-CHRIST. The violence and destruction that began when Bush first entered office, is now certain to culminate in the apocalypse, as predicted in the Bible over 2,000 years ago.

However, I think the case is a bit faulty.

If you add up the name 'George Bush' in Hebrew letters it comes out:

G = 3 (gimel)
e = 5 (heh)
o = 70 (ayin)
r = 200 (resh)
g = 3 (gimel)
e = 5 (heh)
B = 2 (beth)
u = 70 (ayin)
s = 300 (shin)
h = 8 (cheth)
total = 666 (Antichrist)

I would challenge anyone to find another powerful world leader, either now or in the past, whose name adds up to 666 in Hebrew.

That's too easy. I can think of two examples off the top of my head:
  • His father. Since middle names are excluded, his name is also "George Bush."

  • Ronald Wilson Reagan (count the letters in his name in Reagan's native language).

Anyway, this proponent says that the United States now represents Russia in terms of Old/New Testament prophecy, and that the final empire, so different from the others, must be American:

The spots on the leopard are representative of a multi-national, multi-racial and multi-cultural 'melting pot'.. This was once the case with Rome, and it is currently the case with the United States of America.

Of course this is also true in Europe, but let's not get facts get in the way of a good prophecy.

The mouth is like a lion because Americans speak English, and the United States was once an English colony, and England has always been represented by a lion on the Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom.

Note that a good chunk of the world used to be under English control, including Egypt, India, and Pakistan. The lion would apply there also.

The bear is a symbol of Russia, and the bear-like feet of the beast is symbolic of the fact that the only other superpower for forty years was the Russian bear, but now the US is walking all over what was formerly Russian territory, and it now has its ‘feet’, or military bases planted in countries that were once part of the USSR, like Uzbekistan and Kyrgistan.

Oh yeah, we control the Russian empire. Heh.

It says this beast comes out of the sea, and this is a reference to the fact that the New World was discovered by navigators like Columbus....[T]he United States, as part of the 'New World', seemed from the perspective of the Biblical or ‘Old World’, to come up and literally rise out of the sea....

[U]nlike all the [other beasts], the American Empire isn't headquartered in Europe or the Middle East, and the United States doesn’t formally colonize and occupy other nations (at least until now)...

The parenthetical statement is the author's, not mine. Great way to shoot down your own theory.

...but it maintains military bases around the world, and its ships and planes and missiles are able to reach clear around the world, and this is what makes the United States an Imperial super-power....

[T]he horns represent the powerful men who have come to successively rule over this American empire. Daniel even says so quite explicitly Dan 7: 24....America acquired superpower status and gained the reach of a world-class Empire when it acquired the nuclear bomb, at the very end of WWII.

There is not universal agreement that the explosion of the nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the one act that vaulted the United States onto the world stage. One could convincingly argue that Theodore Roosevelt, or perhaps Woodrow Wilson, were the parties that truly made the U.S. a superpower.

Since then there have been exactly ten “kings” or post-war presidents: Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, BushSr, and Clinton. The prophecy from Daniel says that after these ten presidents, there will appear another one, an arrogant “little horn”, which is the Antichrist, George W Bush Jr. It says this “little horn” is unlike any of the other ten presidents, and this is an obvious reference to the fact that Bush has no popular mandate, that he lost the popular vote, and was appointed to the office by five un-elected judges on the Supreme Court....

While the 2000 election is clearly unique, it is not the only example of a president with no popular mandate. Presidents as diverse as Abraham Lincoln and Bill Clinton have been elected without a popular mandate.

It also says that “three of the first horns were uprooted before it.” Bush is a far-right Republican...

If you're already laughing at this statement, wait - it gets better.

...and this is a reference to the fact that by the time Bush Jr came to office, fascist conspiracies...

Ah, the fascists.

...had already uprooted and destroyed the presidencies of three previous key Democratic presidents, in this way sabotaging a more moderate course for the nation: John Kennedy, by assassination, Jimmy Carter, through the Iran hostage crisis “October Surprise” , and finally the Monica Lewinski sex impeachment. (which ultimately damaged Gore, who was part of the Clinton/Gore presidency.) In all three of these right-wing conspiracies, there was direct involvement by the Bush family....

I don't have time to research how the fascists in general and the Bushes in particular were behind all of these events, but I'd love to see the explanation of why the Bush family would want to overthrow the Shah, put the Ayatollah in control, and provoke an international crisis just to get Carter.

[T]he seven heads are the seven world-class empires which for a time ruled over all the known world, of which Rome was only one. These seven master empires in chronological order are Babylon (both Old and New), Egypt, Assyria, Medo-Persia, Greece or Macedonia, Rome, and finally the United States.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but I do not recall any reference to Egypt in Biblical apocalyptic literature. Sounds like someone was filling out the list to get to the magical number seven. But look at the empires that were left out:

Of course, this doesn’t include the Chinese, Inca, Mayan etc, because they were either unknown or too far removed from the Biblical world, which includes the Mediterranean world of the Middle East and Europe. This remains the critical heart of the Biblical world, even today. It doesn’t include empires like the British and Ottoman because their power was actively contested by contemporaries, and they never held the sort of ‘sole superpower’ status that once marked Rome, and currently defines the USA.

So if we are to leave out the British and Ottoman Empires because they were contested by contemporaries, why are we including the Babylonian and other empires that are in the list? Even the Roman Empire was surrounded by enemies.

The head with a mortal wound that was healed is the Roman Empire/Nero, which seemed to have been dead for the last 1500 years, but now has been resurrected in the American Empire/Bush....

This is where I quit reading. I have to buy myself a fleece.

From the Ontario Empoblog (Latest OVVA news here)


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