I Need To Be More Right Wing So I Can Make the Lefties' Naughty List

I guess I have to stop referring to people as baby seal clubbers, and refer to them as Communists instead. It'll do wonders for my popularity.

Blogshares has classified me in the Right Wing Politics industry, but Annika and Six Meat Buffet point out another list that I should join.

I am the civil discourse bustard. Please visit these sites and change some minds. Be Civil. Have Discourse. Please pick your first site by picking one whose name begins with the same first letter as yours. We can't all hit all of the "A's" at once. Thanks for your help....

American Thinker - At first glance might appear reasonable. Wrong!! Clinton's motivation to help the Bushes on tsunami was that as "a disgraced former President" he needs to improve his legacy. Pretententious, Dishonest. Comments? No....

Andrew Sullivan - Exceptionally sanctimonious, Catholic gay conservative. All of these 'fascinating contradictions' don't in fact make his pronouncements more worthy, merely more easily to hype. Comments? No....

Annika's Journal - This lovely lady says Al Gore is "fat" and "tacky" Possibly her body is thin, but her brain spews nothing but vile bile. I'm confident that she is as tacky as it gets. Comments? Yes....

Beautiful Atrocities. - Atrocious attempt at humor: On Earth Day they suggest that you "Club a Seal". 'How to flush a Koran.' Happily, it's seems to be getting less popular. Comments? Yes....

Blackfive - Very, Very Pro-Military. Wonderfully supportive of the troops, which is great. But very right wing, which isn't. Lot's about the courage of the wounded. Go There. Be Especially Nice. Comments? Yes....

Blogs for Bush - Praises Bush all the time for his "accomplishments." They give him credit for not having eaten a pretzel today. For not falling off his bike today. etc. At the same time, they want to appear to be reasonable. This combination does make for some really amusing illogical mental gymnastics. Comments? Yes....

Drudge - Tragically, he does exist. Comments? No....

Instapundit - Instant poster is more like it. Lots and lots of posts by Glenn Reynolds: The Grand Old Man of the G.O.P. bloggers. Comments? No....

Little Green Footballs - Way, Way out there. Nasty People. When the facts are in your way, make up some new ones. Quite Big. Mithras brilliantly notes a "stong scent of roast pork." Comments? Yes....

Lonewacko. - Obsessed with Immigration - but there are a lot out there who are a lot worse. Comments? Yes....

Michelle Malkin - One of the Biggest: No comments: No reason to go unless you like to see evil in action. Mithras.blogs.com said it best "so bigoted she'd arrest herself for trying to cross a border." Comments? No....

Six Meat Buffet - Right after her death in Iraq they wrote: "Marla Ruzick was nothing more than a traitor cross-dressing as a peace activist." Not Nice People....

Stolen Thunder - Personal site of writer for Polipundit. We noted a capacity for humor here, so there are signs of life and of intelligence. Comments? Yes.

From the Ontario Empoblog


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