107% of all researchers and statisticians have wonderful lives

Gindy links to the following summary of a study:

By WILL LESTER, Associated Press Writer...

For the first time, more people say George W. Bush's presidency will be judged as unsuccessful than say it will be seen as a success, a poll finds.

Forty-one percent of respondents said Bush's presidency will be seen as unsuccessful in the long run, while 26 percent said the opposite. Thirty-five percent said it was too early to tell, according to the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.

41%, 26%, 35% ... hey, that totals to 102%.

But it turns out that the figures quoted in the article above were wrong. Here's what I found at the Pew web site:

President George W. Bush's poll numbers are going from bad to worse. His job approval rating has fallen to another new low, as has public satisfaction with national conditions, which now stands at just 29%. And for the first time since taking office in 2001, a plurality of Americans believe that George W. Bush will be viewed as an unsuccessful president.

About four-in-ten (41%) say that, in the long run, Bush will be an unsuccessful president, up from 27% in January and the highest percentage expressing that view since he took office. About a quarter (26%) believe Bush will be successful ­ down 10 points since January ­ while 30% say it is too early to tell.

Well, the misquoted 35% was actually 30%, so we're dealing with 41% plus 26% plus 30%, or 97%.

Yes, that doesn't add up to 100% either, but there's probably a reason. Apparently 3% of the 1,500 people surveyed were unable to answer the question. That's 45 people.

Well, using spurious research, I was able to obtain the responses of some of these respondents:

Bush will be a successful ruler of the Vulcan empire.

How can Bush be a successful president when Grover Alan Arthur is president today?

Yeah, I like Bush. Heh heh. That's cool.

George W Bush is the leading proponent of space junk in the Trilateral Commission, and should be taken to the Masonic headquarters in Cuber.

I can't believe that AP let that story go out, and that no one found the 102% error. I'm glad I don't make misteaks like that.

From the Ontario Empoblog


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