

george w bush is the antichrist
george w bush is a poopy
george w bush is my bud
george w bush is a bleeding heart liberal
george w bush is an android
george w bush is doing almost nothing to support israel
john kerry is tired
john kerry is a national leader in the fight to protect your privacy on the internet
john kerry is also busy making sure that businesses are not unduly burdened by government regulation
john kerry is a moderate liberal
john kerry is a wonderful politician
john kerry is vulnerable
john kerry is being called upon to 'demand' the us government increase global aids funding by $2
john kerry is one of the biggest tax and spend liberals in washington
john kerry is not the kind of guy most would cozy up to at a bar
john kerry is now a member of the council on foreign relations
john kerry is going to get the vice
john kerry is anti
john kerry is desperately trying to position himself to bush's right without committing himself to any substantive proposal
john kerry is an independent consultant specialising in change management processes involving programme management
john kerry is his remarkable resemblance to abraham lincoln's horse

From the Ontario Empoblog


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