Anarchie Andrews

Joey deVilla continued:

It has been said that the goth subculture is derived from two earlier subcultures: the new romantics and the punks. I don't know if Archie or his pals ever appeared in a new romantic incarnation (wearing clothes from Parachute, listening to Visage and Vince Clarke-era Depeche Mode), but they've gone punk at least once, most notably in a "comic-within-a-comic" in issue 1 of Anarchy Comics....

Check out the full comic segment, ...[which] may not be safe for work if your workplace is a little on the conservative side....I rather like the lampooning of hippie parents -- the pot-smoking Mr. Andrews (Archie's dad) reminds me of a few of my friends' folks.

[A tip of the hat to Josh Karpf for providing the comic!]

I'm at work and haven't checked it out yet, so I don't know if it's totally dismal and excellent (or, in this instance, it may be more appropriate to say that it's f@@kin' abysmal). Go here if you'd like to do so.

From the Ontario Empoblog (Latest OVVA news here)


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