Reading the Fine Print

I'm going to start with the end of an article, then go back to the beginning.

In-N-Out Burger, the California-based fast-food chain, has included tiny notations for Bible verses in some of its burger and drink packaging since Richard Snyder, son of the founders, called for it in 1987. "He told me, 'It's just something I want to do,' " company spokesman Carl Van Fleet says.

After Snyder's death in 1993, "the family felt strongly about keeping this just as he had done it" at its 196 outlets in California, Arizona and Nevada. The Bible book and verse in minuscule type "are so subtle most of our customers never notice."
Don Chang, the deeply religious founder of clothing chains Forever 21 and XXI...copied In-N-Out by stamping the Bible book, chapter and verse notation John 3:16 on the bottom of his stores' shopping bags: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

It's "evidence of faith," corporate spokesman Larry Meyer says.
David Green['s]...craft chain Hobby Lobby plays only Christian contemporary music in its 362 stores...
S. Truett Cathy...advertises that Chick-fil-A sandwich shops nationwide are closed on Sundays to free employees to focus on faith and family.
Alaska Airlines has put baseball-card-size prayer cards on hot-meal trays for 30 years "just to differentiate us from the competition," spokeswoman Amanda Tobin says. "Compliments have always far outweighed complaints."

Other evidences of particular faiths are mentioned elsewhere. For example:

Marriott Hotels -- partly owned by Bill Marriott, a Mormon -- supplements the Bible with the Book of Mormon.

Now let's turn back to the original article, and the Starbucks "The Way I See It" campaign:

In 2005, Starbucks is printing 63 quotes from writers, scientists, musicians, athletes, politicians and cultural critics on cups for company-run and licensed locations to carry on the coffeehouse tradition of conversation and debate.

Some mention "faith in the human spirit," but none is overtly religious....

[Rick] Warren says the idea of a grande pitch for God as creator came to him after seeing a Starbucks quote on evolution from paleontologist Louise Leakey. Because Starbucks solicited customer contributions for 2006, Warren sent his in. On Tuesday, Starbucks spokeswoman Sanja Gould confirmed that it would be used.

The cups carry a disclaimer that the opinions "do not necessarily reflect the views of Starbucks."

But while Rick Warren got approved by Starbucks, Tim Williams is still waiting. Here's is a bit of his list of rejected submissions:

Wouldn't it be nice if, instead of a "double shot of espresso," you could pound a couple jiggers of rye into this coffee? Then go back to work and pimpslap the boss? Yeah, that'd be great. Not gonna happen, though, fella. You'll finish your pastry, grit your teeth, and get back to the grind. Bottoms up!
People, in general, lack perspective. I say everyone should have to busk, out on a street corner, or in a public market, at least twice a year. Not necessarily playing Neil Young tunes on the guitar, either. Do your job, for change, in front of the 17th Avenue liquor store. Then go back to work and complain about having to share an office.
This coffee tastes like poop. Burnt poop.
A clandestine collaboration between Eli Lilly, the federal government, and Starbucks to put Prozac in the coffee? Did you hear anything about that? You're right, it's probably bullshit. You finished reading the Entertainment section yet?

From the Ontario Empoblog


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