He Who Has Ears To Hear, Let Him Hear (or are we talking about another part of the head?)

Mrs. Loquacious has entitled one of her posts Crown Me with Many Crowns.

Perhaps I groaned because that is one of my least favorite hymns. Fairlington United Methodist Church used to sing it all the time, and I burned out on it.

But I still haven't gotten tired of any hymn based on Finlandia.

To be continued.

From the Ontario Empoblog (Latest OVVA news here)


Mrs. Loquacious said…
The song title fit, but it's not my favourite hymn either. I like how the old hymns have been rearranged these days (complete with drums!) for a more modern sound. "The Wonderful Cross" is a goodie that comes to mind.
Ontario Emperor said…
This probably shows my age, but I'm partial to Undercover's reworking of "Holy Holy Holy" from the mid-1980s.

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