Here are some additional picturesis an additional picture (still trying to figure out this stuff) from our visit to Red Rock Canyon NCA on Monday, December 27, 2004. Red Rock Canyon is a few miles west of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Where Are They Now at includes an excellent "Where Are They Now?" section. Here are some excerpts: Baka Boyz: KPWR, 1993-99; KKBT, 1999-2000. Eric and Nick Vidal moved to Miami in early 2003. Blade, Richard: KNAC; KROQ, 1982-2000. Richard left KROQ in April 2000 and moved to St. Thomas Island to teach scuba diving. He returned to the Southland in 2003. Burton, Michael: KROQ, 1990-95. Michael "the maintenance man" left the Kevin & Bean morning show in the fall of 1995 and filed a wrongful-termination suit charging the station with racial and religious discrimination. The suite was settled in late 1996 with both parties prohibited from revealing financial details. Furillo, Bud: KABC, 1973-75; KIIS, 1975-79; KABC, 1979-87; KFOX, 1988-90. Bud is working at KPSI-Palm Springs. Jackson, Michael : KHJ, 1963-65; KNX, 1965; KABC, 1966-98; KRLA, 1999-2000; KLAC, 2001-02. Michael left KLAC in late 2002 following a format change from Talk to Adult S...
Random Braveman...Random Contest Discoveries With all the hits that he's been getting, it's obvious that Mitzzee and I are not the only ones who have discovered Daily Dancer . Blogpulse and other sources list the following references to Daily Dancer: The post from Lainie is especially illuminating: Daily Dancer. A computer geek who posts up videos of himself dancing to a different song everyday. This is part of the Contagious Media Showdown awards. Since he needs to get as many visitors per day as possible, I doubt he's reall...