Praising the Unfocused Marketing Strategy
Semi-related to the stuff below. Buster done observed:

So it seems that the literary world loves everybody on my link list....well....not EVERYbody, but Jen from Jennsylvania, Cori from A Gag Reflex, Chris from The Good Husband, and most recently Alli from 63 Days - have all got literary agents either sniffing around the edges, or actually conferring with them, as a result of their exceptional writing/blogging skills. So, obviously it pays to link to me. I deliver results - and it costs nothing but your self-respect!

As for me....I'm the homeless man's version of Stephen King....except I'm better looking....and my wife is actually hot....and I live in a warm place....and I've never been run over by a car....and I have more money than him...well...maybe that last one was a lie....but I'll never tell.

I think I've got to start another blog, and fill it with emotionally touching stories about my life. It'll all be made up, but no one but you will know that - and you won't tell....[T]hat will get the literary agents buzzing around me in no time at all.

I done observed und replied (link to entry on fake Nick Nolte blog not in original comment):

I'm not sure how one stands out in the blog world, to separate oneself from the pack. (My "White Album" strategy has not brought me fame and fortune, yet.) I suspect that the best way to do it is to impersonate a celebrity. Remember the fake Nick Nolte blog? It's time for a fake Michael Jackson blog...NOT.

Did I just end that entry with the word "NOT"? Dang. Next I'll be saying "Emperor out" or getting a Gmail account or sumfin.


Photominer said…
Hi OE, don't feel bad, I used "shizat" the other day. I started laughing ay myself, a lot.
Ontario Emperor said…
All we are saying is Word.

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