Why Madonna will never get a UNICEF job after Boy George becomes UN Secretary General.

...Madonna's spokeswoman LIZ ROSENBERG has moved to emphasise her client's devotion to the gay and lesbian community.

She tells website PAGESIX.COM, "There's not enough room on Page Six to respond to Boy George's ridiculous accusations much less list Madonna's long-standing passion, love, commitment and devotion to the gay community which has not changed for 20 years."

Rosenberg is adamant Kabbalah does "not discriminate against homosexuals, nor do they work toward changing anyone's sexual preference. I wish Boy George would go back to writing songs... Does he ever have anything nice to say about anyone?"

Apparently Madonna doesn't follow Rabbi Max Weiman:

Being gay means different things to different people and the difficulty with the moral issues are many.

There is an obligation to love all humanity whether or not they commit an individual transgression. No one no matter who they are, has not transgressed, we do our best but we all make mistakes. No one should hate someone for being gay.

A male homosexual act is one of the transgressions stated in the Bible. It was a transgression before Christianity existed. Female homosexual acts are considered immoral but not in the same category. Why G-d creates people with a desire to do a transgression is a long and deep subject, not for this email.

Someone who commits homosexual acts and can’t stop is not rejected by G-d. They are still loved by G-d, even though they are making a mistake.

Semi off topic, but I don't think I've posted about a recent Kabbalah convert. Hint - Madonna is her hero.

March 4, 2005

Madonna first introduced Kabbalah to me at a time in my life when it was much needed. It has helped me get rid of a lot of negative influences that were guiding me down the wrong path. There came a point where not even my family or my advisors had the answers I needed. The answers I was looking for were all in my heart. Through Kabbalah, I was able to look within myself, clear all the negative energy and turn my life around.

Now that the chaos has subsided, I finally feel as though I have the control I've wanted over my own destiny. I'm in a place where I can take Kabbalah seriously and truly learn from it.

Whatever your religion may be, it's amazing what the power of prayer can do, it can even perform miracles!

So how do you show devotion to your new faith? With a tattoo, of course.

Britney Spears has had a new tattoo in tribute to the Kabbalah religion....

[Britney] revealed that she has had a Hebrew symbol inscribed onto the back of her neck.

The pop babe says the religious symbol represents "the power of healing"....

The sexy star revealed that the new image was just one of two new tattoos she had during a romantic trip to a tattoo parlour with second husband Kevin Federline.
She said: "I have pink dice on my left wrist. It's something me and my husband we did together. He has blue dice, I have pink dice."


Ontario Emperor said…
Just a test to see if Blogger comments are still flaky.

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