Things to Read
I have no idea what Monergism is, but this group has collected links to articles on "seeker sensitive, purpose driven" churches. Here are excerpts from a few.

From Dan Norcini:

Far too often, the American church is willing to introduce and to tolerate practices and methodologies which simply lack Scriptural support simply because they produce results.

From Kim Riddlebarger:

We do not need to become practical Arminians to see our churches grow. The solution is both very simple and quite risky. The solution is simple because we don't have far to go to find the answer—the Scriptures, our own theology, liturgy and confessions. They contain everything we need to see Reformed churches grow, multiply and flourish. We don't need to reinvent the theological wheel.

And Gregory Koukl:

We were looking at Romans 8. The passage talks about being led by the Spirit and frankly, we have a 20th century definition of that term and we read it back into the text in a way that Paul never intended....

I asked the question, "What does Paul mean by the phrase 'led by the Spirit?'" That’s the question, isn’t it? It is a Biblical term. What does the Biblical writer mean by the term? Not what does 20th Century Christianity mean by it?...

I asked them about the passage and immediately they lifted their eyes from the passage and begin to ponder. Then I began getting responses. "Well, I think it means this." "I think it means that." "I think it means the other thing.’ That wasn’t my question, of course. I am not interested in what anybody thinks about what the phrase "led by the Spirit" means. I want to know what Paul meant, and we cannot figure out what Paul meant by lifting our eyes and pondering and reflecting on the term. We have to lower our eyes back to the text and look at the sentences of the text to figure out inductively what it is that Paul was talking about in that passage....

Many seeker-sensitive churches use the church for evangelism rather than making disciples. They all get together for a service and they preach the Gospel. No wonder the Christians are dropping by the wayside. They are not getting taught. There is nothing more complicated or deep out of the Scriptures in the Saturday evening service than that which a non-regenerate person can understand. That is shallow. That’s not milk, that’s not even skim milk. That's water. Nothing wrong with water when you are evangelizing, but evangelization is not the Great Commission and it doesn’t happen in the church....

So when the church service is the place non-believers come to get the Gospel where do the believers get discipled? In the small groups — not so. There are small groups in that church. But what is happening in the small groups? The same thing as the services....

And what is the nature of the Gospel that is going out in the service to the mass gathering? Well, it’s no Gospel at all. It is the seeker Gospel. It’s the Gospel without the bad news. It is the good news with no bad news. People are coming to have purpose in their lives, but they are not coming to get saved from sin. Lack of purpose isn’t the problem; sin is the problem. It turns out that not even the Gospel is being preached.

I've talked with a number of churches who have gone through "Forty Days of Purpose." The problem is that there is no Gospel in those forty days of purpose. It's used as a technique to get to non-believers to the church but they hear a message of good news without any bad news....

Here is the solution to the church's problem. We have to abandon the seeker model and we have to adopt the Biblical model....Find me anywhere in the Scriptures where the church gathers as Christians for the purpose of watering down the Gospel message and getting people to come into their church congregation. The church gathered for training and edification of believers, then they went out with the message of sin and salvation so people could get right with God before they could even begin to think about whatever purpose God had for their lives. First things first. That is the consistent model in every single time in the book of Acts where the Gospel is preached.

In all 14 times the Gospel is preached where we have detail of what they said, there is not a single occasion where anyone was invited to have a relationship with God. There is not a single occasion where anyone is told that if they become Christians their life will get better, they will have more purpose, and everything will fall together. There is not a single occasion where the Apostles said that God loves them. The word love appears nowhere in the book of Acts. Now, is the love of God manifest there? Sure. But it is not the central message. It isn’t what leads to salvation. It is not what the Gospel is all about. The love of God is manifest in the efforts that He took to rescue a fallen human race. That’s the measure of His love. But the message is about fallen human beings, about sin and righteousness and judgment, and that Jesus came to restore man to their Savior against whom they have persistently rebelled. That’s the message that saves....


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