Don't Know If This Is True...
Reading a recent Monterey County Herald entry was a little surprising...

In L.A., at an after-hours club...[c]lub regulars paid their respects by approaching [Rick James'] portrait on the wall and blowing either marijuana smoke or cocaine at his smiling face. While an autopsy has failed to determine what caused the singer's Aug. 6 death, some are wagering that the pending toxicology test will turn up drugs.

But wait, there's more:

One source recalls walking into an upstairs room at the same L.A. club last Valentine's Day and finding ''Rick with a mound of coke in front of him.''

''He was wearing a bright red suit,'' the source tells us. ''He pointed to his mound of drugs and said to me, 'Dig in partner.'''

I don't know how much to trust an unnamed source...guess we'll just have to wait for the final report.


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