Read the linked post

Yes, read it. Talk about pastoral challenges.

From the Ontario Empoblog (Latest OVVA news here)


Jennifer said…
Read it. I can't imagine dealing with all the challenges he mentions; and I'm sure there are ones he doesn't even know about yet. Having said that, though - I get the impression from his post that he is not the least bit happy about this calling. He sounds like Jonah being dragged off to Ninevah. One wonders how effective a pastor can be if his heart isn't in the calling.
Ontario Emperor said…
I think if I were in that situation, where I felt called to do something dramatically different from what I've done before, I'd be very worried about family reaction. Heck, even if I were to consider a job in another state (not even another country), I'd be worried about family reaction. And the other challenges sound huge too (especially if you have a particular theological background and are thrown into a multi-denominational situation).
John Gillmartin said…
Jennifer -

I couldn't be happier ... I'll be posting on our joys and challenges from time-to-time, so stay tuned at The CRIB.

Right now I'm in the midst of a lot of moving and planning so I can't blog too much on the new church until I get there.

What you sensed was my concern for my wife and daughter (read again).

We're risking a huge reduction in annual income and a loss of all insurance and retirement benefits; that's a heavy burden for a woman with six children and six grandchildren over a thousand miles away.
Ontario Emperor said…
So are you replacing Jack Nicholson, or is he your "competition"?

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