Survey Says...

Continuing my reading.

Inland Empress is turning suburbanese (I really think so).

The Empress finally has a chariot. A big, golden chariot with 15 cupholders and automatic sliding doors and a six-CD changer and enough buttons, gizmos, lights and electronic goodies to impress even my tech-savvy hubby.

Did I mention the 15 cupholders?

It's a Honda Odyssey, the queen of minivans....

April is getting married. Her blog has been a happy blog the last several months. Good for her.

Erin will be published.

Garfield Ridge noted why MTV (Music Television) appears to be an oxymoron. Or a something.

From the Ontario Empoblog


Badpatty said…
Regarding the chariot: welcome to suburban life. One of us. One of us. One of us. . .
Ontario Emperor said…
To understand the significance of the Empress' chariot, it helps to read this post from April 15, 2004. Perhaps she was feeling especially taxed that day. You may groan now. Here's a quote:

"I'm lost. Somewhere en route to my 40th birthday, I meandered off the proverbial road less traveled and wound up in the bland expanse of suburbia. I was supposed to have a cozy little cottage in South Florida by now, a few blocks from the Intracoastal Waterway where I could sip fruity cocktails while working on my latest literary tour de force when not cultivating rare orchids....

"[My husband] swept me off my feet and plunked me down in the eastern exurbs of Los Angeles, a vast swath of strip-mall-infested desert called the Inland Empire. I've now been living here longer than I lived in Florida (four years) and I'm grateful to have lost the mosquitoes, the nasty, rude old folks and the blistering humidity. I am sorry to lose sight of the ocean, however, or the lingering smell of citrus or proximity to my family...."

So, instead of cultivating orchids, the Empress is commandeering her chariot. If you haven't done so already, I urge you to visit She's a very good writer.
Ontario Emperor said…
Oops...looks like there's a minor misunderstanding.

Ontario Emperor is NOT married to Inland Empress.

In fact, the two have never met.

Plosh is in actuality the husband of Inland Empress.

For the record, I met *my* wife (who does not blog) several years after I moved to this wonderful community.

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