Putting teeth into your tourist promotion plans

From Reuters/Yahoo:

Croatia, already a popular holiday destination for sunseekers, is now tempting tourists with the offer of dental services at less than half the prices paid in western Europe.

Zeljko Popadic and his sister Jelena Nedeljkovic started a modest dental practice in the northern Adriatic town of Rovinj in 1997....

"Some 10 percent of our patients are foreigners and we're confident the number will grow. Most of them are Italians, but there is also a rising number of queries from the United Kingdom," Nedeljkovic, who is in charge of the administrative side of the business, told Reuters.

She said their services were twice as cheap as in Italy and three or four times cheaper than in England, while quality was the same.

From the Ontario Empoblog (Latest OVVA news here)


Jennifer said…
I've heard of people going to other countries for cheap plastic surgery, but dental work? Wow, what will they think of next?
Ontario Emperor said…
The invisible hand is very powerful.

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