Smart Spin Storage System
The Smart Spin Storage System has been advertised on TV, but I'm reluctant to buy things after only seeing them in an infomercial. From the website:

Smart Spin Storage System conveniently holds all your storage needs, right at your fingertips. Its unique patented design slides forward, then spins like a carousel, for easy selection. You could even find a container with a blindfold on. Smart Spin holds an enormous amount of food, yet takes up about the space of a coffee maker.
This is just one of the products offered via the As Seen On TV Network website.
According to Cheap Stingy Bastard, Smart Spin can also be bought at Epinions (which has no opinions for this item) also notes its availability at JC Penney. ( doesn't rate it either.)
Well, if I buy the thing, I hope it doesn't fall apart...
There are fifty million other places that sell it.