Richard Gere to the Iraqi People
Not really. But it could happen.

Hi, I'm Richard Gere and I'm speaking for the entire world and several other planets in our solar system. We're with you during this election time. It's really important. Get out and vote.

But the world hopes that you use your vote wisely.

Vote for those who support religious freedom for Buddhists and others.

Vote for those who will not impose the death penalty for Saddam Hussein. After all, this election shouldn't be taking place - there is no reason why Saddam shouldn't be in power today.

Vote for those who believe men can rescue women.

Vote for those who support consenting relations between a man and his gerbil.
(Not really.)

Vote for those who aren't swayed by supermodels.

Yes, people of Iraq, vote for Richard Gere for vice president. (The Dalai Lama would be president, of course.)


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