(Inspired by Blogpatrol. Parts of this are true, and parts are not.)

Krystal Fernandez was in a bar late Saturday afternoon, throwing around (possibly fake) money that doesn't matter to Randy Moss. Meanwhile Ashlee Simpson was trying to get into the bar, but the bouncer (one Todd Marinovich) prevented her from entering - not because of her young age, but because of the high standards of the bar. Unfortunately, Ashlee was stuck outside with Christopher Nance, who first played nice, but when Ashlee refused to buy a book, Christopher turned nasty. Ludo Cremers would have joined them, but he was busy inside the bar trying to push smokes to Katelyn Faber. As the Fox 11 crew packed up their cameras, the cameraman said that he was going to go home and search the web for pictures of a naked Elastigirl.

Why don't I ever get hits from searches like this?

dido and ross perot in quirksville and brimbaw texas


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