Oemposurvey - Please Participate in Comments Area

This survey (which is being reproduced elsewhere) is open to all who read this blog, whether you're Blogger users or not. Anonymous comments also accepted.

Please answer the following survey question in the comments area:

Do you remember where you were on Christmas Day, 1996? If so, where?

Some of you have already figured out why I'm asking this question, but play along anyway. After I considered my response (which I'll post later) to the question above, I began wondering about the responses of others.

More later.

From the Ontario Empoblog (Latest OVVA news here)


Mrs. Loquacious said…
Hrm. I *don't* remember, exactly, but if I were to use logic I would say that I was in my hometown, celebrating Christmas with my family. I would later that week board a plane to fly down to Indiana to meet up with my then-BF (a big loser whose memory I have mostly blocked out).
Ontario Emperor said…
Thanks for participating, and the whole idea of blocking out memories is significant (although I didn't explore any of that). Followup post here, regarding the ramifications of how well we remember specific things.

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