This Used To Be My Hometown

Eric Bijeau was a spokesman for the three-day truck stoppage in New Brunswick that may or may not have been sponsored by the Truckers and Drivers Association of North America, the New Brunswick Northwest Truckers Association, or a bunch of truckers with nothing to do that week. Whether these are true organizations, or just the name that Bijeau gave to his fax machine, is presently unclear.

Bijeau hails from Saint Leonard, New Brunswick, a town right on the border between New Brunswick and Maine.

Click for Saint Leonard, New Brunswick Forecast

I'm beginning to wonder what led Bijeau to start this protest that affected over 1,000 trucks, and affected food deliveries all across the province. Was it something in the water? Was there something in St. Leonard that predisposed Bijeau to take this action?

Well, when Bijeau wants to order flowers for his sweetheart (and I don't mean his truck), he has to go to another country to get them. Does this cause his blood to boil? This would be especially painful, since the local motel is called the Maple Leaf.

Or perhaps Bijeau knows someone with a crack cocaine problem. (As a trucker, he couldn't risk taking crack cocaine himself, unless he's really really stupid.) So when Bijeau wants to search for crack cocaine counseling services for someone else, who does he have to turn to for such services in Saint Leonard? You guessed it.

Or perhaps the fact the New Brunswick is a microcosm for the tensions of Canada (it is the only officially bilingual province caused Bijeau to assert himself.

Although I'd still rather blame Tom Cruise.

From the Ontario Empoblog


Anonymous said…
so you were almost Canadian!
Ontario Emperor said…
Some time I'll have to explain the whole California Canada thingie. There's an Oregon component too.

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