Thank you, Sirlinksalot

My Adelphia cable lost Channels 4 and 7 last night at 8:20 pm, so I missed a good chunk of Martha Stewart's Apprentice show. Via, I discovered a Martha Stewart Apprentice blog and read the results here. Here's part of what I missed:

After realizing that most customers were having "sticker shock", Primarius removed the prices from their displays and flowers started moving.

In the end Matchstick Sales were brisk, but had sales of less than 1/2 of Primarius'....

Primary Factors in the loss:

Chuck's lack of leadership and Jim's controlling manipulations....

Conference Room: Matchstick- Chuck with Jim and Dawn....

Jim repeatedly lied, boldly, saying that Chuck didn't have a melt-down and didn't quit. He very aggressively attacked Dawn about her lack of contribution to the team....

Fired: Chuck -- Chuck was in over his head, recognized it, attempted to address it constructively, and was manipulated into staying. Then, due to Jim's insistance that Chuck had done no wrong, sort of manipulated into fighting to be fired. He won....

From the Ontario Empoblog


Jennifer said…
You missed Martha saying "there's no crying in business, my dear!" Like Tom Hanks in A League of Our Own saying "there's no crying in baseball!" I actually agree with Martha. It took women way too long to get here, so don't go screwing it up with your tears!
Ontario Emperor said…
I've heard an observation that women who climbed the corporate ladder at an early stage often had (or had to adopt) a more "masculine" personality. With younger women, you see less of that (although crying is considered unacceptable).
annika said…
i love that Martha said that. Some women still think they can play the crying card. i've seen it, and it doesn't work.

Jim has to go. He's trying to game the interview, like he's playing Survivor. But i think Martha is wise to him, and she'll be looking for her opportunity to fire him next.

If i was Martha, i'd have given Chuck another chance. He seemed to show a lot of insight in the boardroom. He's much more savvy than he gives himself credit for.
Ontario Emperor said…
I wonder - does Martha have access to the videotapes before she invites the losers into the conference room? On the one hand, you'd think her obsession with detail would cause her to want to view everything. On the other hand, does she have time for this show?

I don't think Jim is the man you love to hate. Will from BB2 at least had some positive aspects to his personality. Other than Jim's ability to work real hard on a painting job, I haven't seen the positive attributes yet.

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