Sports Blogs
I wanted to see if there is a blog for everything yet, so I searched Google for shaq blog all shaq all the time.

What I did find is From their "About" page:

Like to follow your favorite sport or team? Tired of the usual coverage the media gives your sport/team? Then Sports Blogs is for you. Sports Blogs allows you to keep up to date on your favorite teams/sports from the local fan's perspective....

On an hourly basis, this site goes out and crawls many blogs for new entries to aggregate here. Organizing blogs (and their entries) by sport and team will allow you to easily keep track of your favorite sport or team....

If you are an advanced user and like to read your blogs through an RSS Reader, we've got you covered as well. We have RSS feeds for all sports, by sports and by individual team. Check them out on our rss feeds page.

So, to get my Shaq feed, I just have to subscribe to the Lakers feed...and the Mavericks feed...and the Nets feed...and the Queens feed...


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