Collaborative Stories
I've been published on the web. Well, I've always been published on the web in some form or another, but the following are intriguing. Several collaborative stories have been published at Head in the Clouds that include my contributions (a word, or two, or ten, here and there):

A Bright Sunny Day in Dumpty Land. Excerpt: "Claire sat down beside the buffalo and then said "I want a badger to come and tickle Ed because he is a ticklish guy with slippers." So and sew rhyme but orange doesn't eat magnets because the Queen Mother overdosed on heroin in the loo. "I like eggs!" someone shouted from a chicken's behind and destroyed the vibrating wind tunnel that was located under the round square thing called Bill Cosby's behind the sofa because its said that eskimos like dancing whilst they are pregnant."

Fat Uncle Jeff's Toilet Cleaner. Excerpt: "My fat uncle Jeff owns a rather bizarre brand of toilet cleaner, which he uses for cleaning the entire house, even though it's a rental. He decided to enjoy a leisurely cruise down the Potomac BummyMan's octopus funnel, because everybody was always saying how neat it would be to if he was to create a story which doesn't flow quite right, because people would have to use their brains to work out a rather complex mathamatical equation about cows."

A Magical Girl Called Jen. Excerpt: "...which were located under the strange looking hedge in the middle of a nondescript suburban office near Pretoria, South Africa, where many people are used to waxing the body hair of a mutated hippo which had more teeth than the entire Osmond family gerbil collection."


Ontario Emperor said…
Many more stories. See for the latest.

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