
I'm glad I'm not dating today. I'd have to worry about ecosexuality.

San Francisco designer Rachel Pearson, 33, owns a successful line of children’s clothing made of organic cotton that also meets international fair-trade rules. For herself she favors clothing from thrift stores—“Not buying new,” she says, “eases the toll on the earth.” A vegetarian, she recycles religiously and loves to pamper herself with yoga and meditation.

There’s another arena in which Pearson upholds green values, and it can create a bit of an etiquette problem. “I won’t date a guy who doesn’t recycle,” she says. “He doesn’t have to wear nonleather shoes, but he has to get it.” And woe betide the guy who doesn’t.

For a while she was happily dating a film producer from Los Angeles who, she thought, was definitely on her eco-wavelength. But one morning they went out for breakfast, and Mr. Right ordered an all-meat meal and doused his coffee with several packets of Equal. “I was dumbstruck,” says Pearson. “I think I ate my entire meal in silence. Pork plus NutraSweet? That was definitely our last date.”

From the Ontario Empoblog (Latest OVVA news here)


Ontario Emperor said…
I neglected to credit Steve Hayward's post at the Commons Blog.
Ontario Emperor said…
No, there is NO information on China Martens in the blog listed above.

I don't think.
Jennifer said…
I thought you were going to say that certain disposable items used during sex were to be recycled. And I was going to say.... um, no.
Ontario Emperor said…
I would presume that there are various branches of ecosexuals. While the majority would oppose use of items derived from animals, some would prefer such items to synthetic ones.
Jennifer said…
Okay, moving right along... :)

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