Dark Mondays
I have previously ([1] [2]) posted about Dark Mondays. Here's an update:

If you start seeing bumper stickers promoting “Dark Mondays,” they are not asking for more rain. “Dark Mondays” is, in fact, the name of a new boycott organized by the Mexican American Political Association (MAPA) to protest Governor Arnold Shwarzenegger’s [sic] repeal of a bill that would have allowed illegal immigrants to obtain California driver’s licenses.

Dark Mondays asks people to demonstrate their opposition to the Governor’s decision by not buying gas on Mondays....

Schwarzenegger, who defeated Davis in a recall election, repealed it on December 10th, reviving the state’s 1994 proposition that requires driver’s license applicants whose birth certificates are from another country to show proof of legal residency....

Hugo Vera, a MAPA spokesperson, said, “Here in Sacramento, I’ve already seen a decrease in Latinos [at gas stations].”

Vera said response to Dark Mondays has been mostly positive, but, “There are a number of rabid anti-immigrant groups out there.” Among them is the local John and Ken Show, a morning talk radio program that is calling for Bright Mondays, encouraging people to go out of their way to buy gas on Mondays to show their support for the Governor’s decision.

Employees at a West Los Angeles Mobil station had heard of both campaigns, but had not noticed a particular difference in gas sales, Mondays being neither dark nor bright for them.


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