Waiting for Osama's Statement on the Matter

Annika links to this story in the IFOC News:

DULUTH, GA (IFOC) - After failing to agree on key points of the investigation, US and Italian officials have released differing reports on the Jennifer Wilbanks "Runaway Bride" situation that happened over the weekend.

The US report states that Jennifer Wilbanks falsely reported herself kidnapped and fled to New Mexico because she got cold feet before her wedding....

The Italian report claims that Jennifer Wilbanks was actually kidnapped and that it was the fault of search parties who were inexperienced and exhausted, causing them to miss Wilbanks in their repeated searches in the woods. If there had been professional search-and-rescue teams available, the Italian report claims, Jennifer Wilbanks' murdered body could have been found before we showed up in New Mexico and her husband could have been properly charged with her murder....

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