Car Radio Presets, Part 1

From Faux Shui:

...I bought my car almost five years ago, and in that time I have never adjusted my clock for daylight savings time. I kept telling myself I was going to do it, but I never did, and occasionally I would think of it, and realize that the time would change in three weeks or something, so what's the point? I didn't know how to change my clock, and whenenver I was in my car, I was too busy trying to get somewhere to worry about figuring it out. Well a few weeks ago, shortly after DST righted the time on my clock yet again, I had to replace my battery. I got in my car and the time was no longer ignorable... it was blinking (and by the way all my radio presets were gone, too.) Sitting at a light, I glanced at my clock, looking for the buttons to set it. The traffic started moving again, but I had found what I needed, and while I was driving onto a highway, I reset my clock in about eight seconds flat....

From Eric's Space:

got up this morning wishing I could go back to bed. But that is OK, because I have Jay & Rachel in the Morning on 93.1 DRQ (Detroit) to help me out on my ride into work and while I work in the morning right?

Nope. 93.1 DRQ's plug was pulled. I heard this HORRID music with this pre-recorded voice saying 931 DOUG FM, "We play everything". Not one human to be found. I thought this was a dream or a mistake, I went to, and what happened? It re-directed to From looking up the owners of the domain it is still a ABC Radio station, but instead of being registered out of New York out of ABC's Headquarters, it is in Texas. Does this mean DOUG used to be call letters for a Texas Station?

I refuse to listen to a station ran by a robot (computer). I will more than likely listen to the radio station unless they bring back Jay and Rachel in the Morning. I am replacing my Presets that had 93.1 as preset 1 to other stations so I do not accidentally get this weird music, and I will be removing my 93.1 DRQ window sticker off my car.

I have been listening to Jay & Rachel (Used to the The Morning Revolution, name change, same people) now for four years and would have been 5 years in several months....

Everyone but Jay Towers was fired Friday afternoon. ABC Radio decided to follow a popular format in Canada, name a radio station by a first name (DOUG in this case), and play playlists like a iPod. I agree with Lisa Lisa (Fired DJ) the music is horrid. Nothing was stated what Jay Tower's new job will be there. Lisa Lisa and the TDN said it was competitive with Q95, but Q95 was ahead, but they (DRQ) had the edge in some areas (I would guess Jay & Rachel in the Morning), and the station was not going under and was still live and kicking. They launched I think 3-4 other cities TDN said.

I for one thing pulled the plug on this iPOD, and plugged in my Creative Zen. There isn't another morning show out there like J&RITM. I will continue to search, but I did not care for Oldies 104.3. Tomorrow I will try Magic 105.1, but a friend said it was more for adults. We are adults, but sounds like it does not fit the 20'somthing age bracket.

From Twentysomeone:

I (Craig) am thinking of the radio presets in my car - what used to be NPR in Colorado Springs is now a classic rock station in St. Louis; what used to be classic rock in the Springs now plays Christian music (and cheeseball Chrisian music at that). I didn’t touch my radio, nothing changed - except, that is, my geography and the content of the frequencies.

Looking at the radio display, the numbers used to mean something in their particular station associations - talk radio, pop, country, classical; soon they will come to represent other ones that I will come to know and hopefully love (unless, that is, I start paying for XM, but that’s another illustration and bank account all together).

The point? Like my car radio (piece of junk that it is), we as humans have been wired to pick up particular frequencies wherever we go. Originally programmed for very different messages than the ones we receive now, we are still receivers that receive....


...In order to see how perfection is often expected but not needed, we need look no further than to racial stereotypes. I think of myself as fairly close to the collective image of a stereotypical white boy. I speak in what is known as “proper English,” even in casual conversation with friends. I sing out loud in my car whenever my favorite punk tune comes on the radio, windows down. And the waistline of my pants consistently rides about 2 inches below my belly button. Am I a stereotypical whiteboy? I think so. I can be identified by the way I talk, the way I dress, and by the number 1 and 2 presets on my car stereo. These identify me as a white person....

From Grandma Hates the Internet:

...One such night we were watching a Six Feet Under marathon in bed at the cozy hour or 3 a.m. or so. In mid-marathon, W's roommate came home. Her room was right below us and the floors were paper-thin, and from the sound of things she was, shall we say, entertaining a gentleman caller. Our peace irretrievably disturbed, we got up, got dressed, and decided to hit the road in search of an all-night diner.

We quietly descended the stairs and hurried past the roommate’s bedroom door, stifling our giggles because we are mature like that. The moans and groans resembled that of Papa Smurf mixed with Harvey Fierstein or a dying sea lion. And we’re not even talking about the gentleman caller. He would have been completely drowned out by the echo of her barks reverberating from the basement to the attic and back again.

Once out on the driveway we were stopped in our tracks by a conundrum. The roommate (for the sake of this story, we’ll call her Nookie)’s car was parked behind Wendy's luxury Nissan, blocking us in! We were wide awake, hungry and had to get out of the house. What would you do?

Lucky for us, Nookie had made car theft an option by putting her keys on the hook inside the front door. “We’ll be back before she even remembers we exist,” we thought as Wendy exchanged her car keys for Nookie’s. Did I mention that Nookie happened to be boinking an officer of the law at that exact moment?...

[W]e walked across the grass back to Nookie’s hotrod. We joked that Nookie had probably reported her car stolen after she finished playing hide the nightstick with the cop. But we made it home without incident. We replaced one of her radio presets with a Christian rock station and then quietly went inside and replaced the keys without anyone noticing we’d been gone. We tiptoed back upstairs, happy to have experienced such a memorable Memorial Day, all thanks to a little grand theft auto. And it wasn’t even 9 a.m.

And, last but not least, from RadioSutton:

Our family just bought a new car. We have AM with 5 presets, FM with 10 presents, XM with 10 presets, and a 6-CD changer – all seamlessly integrated into one unit. It’s not hard to imagine adding an MP3 player with download capability into that mix.

Eventually, all the technology just become buttons on the dashboard and the button with the best programming always wins.

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