I Could Predict This Type 4 Would Happen
While writing the last blog entry, I saw a mention of savetoby.com in Bob Parson's weblog:

Go Daddy was also featured on NBC Nightly News a few nights ago in connection with a story it did on the www.SaveToby.com website. Go Daddy is the registrar that has the domain name SaveToby.com under management, and because there is nothing illegal about the website, I’ve refused to shut it down. Since the NBC nightly news piece, the article that I posted on this Blog entitled “$50,000 for a man not to eat a rabbit. The curious case of SaveToby.com” has received renewed interest. If this story interests you, I suggest you visit the Radio Go Daddy archives and listen to our very first radio show during which we interviewed the owner of www.SaveToby.com. You can hear what Toby’s owner had to say, by going to www.RadioGoDaddy.com.

In essence, savetoby.com is a vehicle to sell merchandise - stuff like "Toby's Vegetarian Cafe" shirts.

Well, if there's a website called savetoby, then there should logically be a website called...well, I guess you can figure it out:

We have all seen the site http://savetoby.com and frankly we are not swayed by the pitiful attempts to save Toby. In fact, we detest that...rabbit and want him to die as well as the sack of [Type 4] who owns him.

In order to accomplish this goal we are calling for supporters to aid us in this quest by donating via Paypal or buy buying some of the cool KillToby products we have at cafe press.

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Ontario Emperor said…
Presumably this will come to a head in June.

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